Labels:bulletin board | dialog box | earth | encyclical | poster | reckoner | sky | window OCR: a(x) {0b}x {0d}x {09x F {0e}. (5.9) As described in Sec 4.3, this can be written as a matrix multiplication Let sx=axsx 0e 06 po 60 So.c] 09 0e 0b for0c<Nb. 5.10 po Asa result of this multiplication. the four bytes in a column are replaced by the following {0e} 9 5o.) {0b} $ {0d} S2.c) {09} .S3.) {09} s.{0e} s{0b} 5 {0d} s3.c) {{0d} . so.c) {09} {0e} 9 S2.c) ({0b} S3.) {0b} . So. {0d} S1. {09} Sre) {0e} s) for0 columr